Uk Electricity Prices Per Kwh In April 2022

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Uk Electricity Prices Per Kwh In April 2022
Electricity Tariff Comparison Table Uk from

Electricity prices in the United Kingdom have been rising steadily over the last few years, and April 2022 is no exception. The average price of electricity per kilowatt-hour (kWh) in the UK during April 2022 was around £0.15, which is slightly higher than the average price of £0.13 in April 2021. This increase in price, however, may not be enough to offset the rising cost of living in the UK, as the cost of living has been steadily rising since the start of the year.

The average UK electricity price per kWh in April 2022 was £0.15, but the actual cost can vary significantly depending on the region and the supplier. The prices in Scotland and Wales were slightly higher than the UK average, with prices ranging from £0.16 to £0.19 per kWh. The prices in England were slightly lower, ranging from £0.14 to £0.16 per kWh. In Northern Ireland, the prices ranged from £0.13 to £0.15 per kWh.

The cost of electricity in the UK can also vary depending on the supplier. The Big Six energy suppliers (British Gas, EDF, E.ON, Npower, Scottish Power and SSE) all offer different tariffs, with some being cheaper than others. For example, in April 2022, British Gas was offering electricity for £0.14 per kWh, while EDF was slightly more expensive at £0.15 per kWh. It is important to compare different suppliers to ensure you get the best deal.

The Impact of High Electricity Prices

The high cost of electricity in the UK can have a significant impact on households, particularly those who are on a low income or who are struggling to pay the bills. As electricity prices continue to rise, households can find themselves spending more money on energy bills, which can make it difficult to pay for other essentials such as food and rent. This can lead to financial hardship and can have a major impact on people’s lives.

The UK government has taken steps to reduce the cost of electricity for households, with the introduction of the Warm Home Discount, which provides households with a one-off payment of up to £140 towards their electricity bills. This scheme is available to households on a low income, as well as to those who receive certain benefits. The government has also introduced measures to reduce the cost of energy for businesses, such as the Renewable Heat Incentive, which provides financial support for businesses that generate their own heat from renewable sources.

Renewable Energy and its Impact on Electricity Prices

Renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular in the UK, and this is having an impact on electricity prices. The cost of electricity generated by renewable sources, such as wind and solar, is much lower than that of electricity generated by traditional sources, such as coal and gas. This means that households and businesses can save money by switching to renewable energy sources.

The UK government has also introduced measures to increase the use of renewable energy, such as the Renewable Heat Incentive. This scheme provides financial support to businesses that generate their own heat from renewable sources, such as solar and wind. As more businesses switch to renewable energy sources, the cost of electricity generated by these sources is likely to fall, resulting in lower electricity prices for households and businesses.


The cost of electricity in the UK is rising, and April 2022 saw an increase in the average price per kWh to £0.15. This increase may not be enough to offset the rising cost of living in the UK, as the cost of living has been steadily rising since the start of the year. Households and businesses should compare different suppliers to ensure they get the best deal, and should look into renewable energy sources to lower their electricity bills.




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