A Guide To The Queensland Government Electricity Rebate 2020

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A Guide To The Queensland Government Electricity Rebate 2020
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The Queensland Government has announced its 2020 electricity rebate, offering households a generous incentive to reduce their energy consumption. The rebate is part of the government’s commitment to reducing emissions, and encouraging households to become more energy-efficient. This guide will explain how to access the rebate, how much it’s worth, and how to make the most of it.

What Is the Queensland Government Electricity Rebate?

The Queensland Government Electricity Rebate is a one-off payment of up to $50 per household, offered to Queensland residents to help reduce their energy consumption and lower their electricity costs. The rebate is part of the government’s commitment to reducing emissions and encouraging households to become more energy-efficient.

Who Is Eligible for the Rebate?

The rebate is open to all Queensland residents who currently have an electricity account with an energy retailer. This includes residential, small business and large business customers. To be eligible, you must have an energy account that is active as of 30 June 2020.

How Much Is the Rebate Worth?

The rebate is worth up to $50 per household. The amount of the rebate will depend on how much electricity you use, and how much you reduce your consumption by. The more you reduce your electricity consumption, the higher the amount of the rebate.

How Do I Access the Rebate?

The rebate can be accessed through your electricity retailer. To apply, contact your retailer and provide them with the details of your energy account. Your retailer will then assess your application and advise you of the amount of the rebate you are eligible for.

How Can I Make the Most of the Rebate?

There are a number of ways to make the most of the rebate. Firstly, you can take advantage of energy-efficient appliances and products. Investing in energy-efficient appliances, such as LED light bulbs, and switching to energy-efficient products, such as solar panels, can help you save money in the long run. Secondly, you can reduce your electricity usage by switching off appliances when not in use, or by using a timer to control your electricity usage.

What Other Benefits Does the Rebate Offer?

The rebate also offers a number of other benefits. Firstly, it can help to reduce your electricity costs, and free up some extra money in your budget. Secondly, it can help to reduce your energy consumption, and help the environment by reducing emissions. Finally, it can help to increase the value of your property, as energy-efficient homes are more desirable to potential buyers.

How Can I Find More Information About the Rebate?

You can find more information about the Queensland Government Electricity Rebate on the Queensland Government website. Here, you can find out more about the rebate, how to apply, and how to make the most of it. You can also contact your electricity retailer for more information about the rebate.


The Queensland Government Electricity Rebate is a great way to reduce your energy consumption and electricity costs. By taking advantage of energy-efficient products, reducing your electricity usage and applying for the rebate, you can make the most of the rebate and enjoy a range of benefits. For more information, visit the Queensland Government website.


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