A Comprehensive Look At Haryana Government's Electricity Rate

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A Comprehensive Look At Haryana Government's Electricity Rate
Haryana Domestic Power Connection Scheme Sarkari Yojana from sarkariyojana.com


Electricity is one of the most essential commodities for modern society. It is used in many aspects of our lives, from powering up our homes, offices and businesses, to running our public transport systems, to providing us with entertainment and leisure services. As such, the price of electricity is important for us to consider. In India, the electricity rate is determined by the state government, and in this article, we’ll be taking a comprehensive look at the electricity rate set by the Haryana Government.

Haryana Government’s Electricity Rate

The Haryana Government’s electricity rate is determined by the power ministry of the state. The electricity rate is determined based on the supply, demand and price of electricity in the state. It is important to note that the rate of electricity in Haryana is one of the lowest in India. This is due to the fact that the state has some of the best sources of renewable energy in the country, such as solar, hydro and wind power.

Residential Rates

The residential rates for electricity in Haryana are determined by the state government. The current rate for residential electricity is around ₹4.95 per unit. This rate is applicable for all residential customers, regardless of whether they use a prepaid or post-paid meter. This rate is applicable only for units of electricity consumed up to 100 units per month.

Commercial Rates

The commercial rates for electricity in Haryana are slightly higher than the residential rates. The current rate for commercial electricity is around ₹5.85 per unit. This rate is applicable for all commercial customers, regardless of whether they use a prepaid or post-paid meter. This rate is applicable only for units of electricity consumed up to 200 units per month.

Industrial Rates

The industrial rates for electricity in Haryana are higher than both the residential and commercial rates. The current rate for industrial electricity is around ₹7.15 per unit. This rate is applicable for all industrial customers, regardless of whether they use a prepaid or post-paid meter. This rate is applicable only for units of electricity consumed up to 500 units per month.

Agricultural Rates

The agricultural rates for electricity in Haryana are the lowest of all the categories. The current rate for agricultural electricity is around ₹2.85 per unit. This rate is applicable for all agricultural customers, regardless of whether they use a prepaid or post-paid meter. This rate is applicable only for units of electricity consumed up to 500 units per month.


In conclusion, the Haryana Government’s electricity rate is determined by the power ministry of the state. The rate of electricity in Haryana is one of the lowest in India, making it an attractive option for residential, commercial and industrial customers. The rate for residential customers is around ₹4.95 per unit, for commercial customers is around ₹5.85 per unit, for industrial customers is around ₹7.15 per unit and for agricultural customers is around ₹2.85 per unit. All these rates are applicable only for units of electricity consumed up to the stated limit.


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