Gas Prices At Calgary Safeway In 2023

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Gas Prices At Calgary Safeway In 2023
Safeway gas coupon Calgary from

Overview of Canada’s Gas Prices

In 2023, the price of gas in Canada is a growing concern for many people. Prices in Canada, as of February 10th, have been rising for the past three years. The current average price of gas nationwide is $1.67 per litre. Alberta has the highest gas prices of the provinces, at an average of $1.83 per litre. Calgary’s average gas price is slightly lower than the national average, at $1.63 per litre.

Gas Prices at Safeway in Calgary

Safeway is one of the leading supermarkets in the Calgary area, offering customers a variety of grocery items, including gas. The gas prices at Safeway in Calgary are a bit higher than the city’s average. As of February 10th, Safeway gas is $1.70 per litre. This is seven cents higher than the city’s average and sixteen cents higher than the national average.

Factors Impacting Gas Prices in 2023

There are several factors that play into the pricing of gas in Calgary and across the country. Commodity prices, the cost of production and distribution, and government taxes are all factors that contribute to the price of gas. The cost of crude oil has risen significantly since 2020, which has had a direct impact on the cost of gas. In addition, the Canadian government has implemented several taxes on gas as part of their environmental initiatives, which have further increased prices.

Benefits of Shopping at Safeway for Gas

Despite the higher price of gas at Safeway, there are several benefits to shopping there for your fuel needs. For starters, Safeway gas comes with a loyalty program. For every litre of fuel you purchase, you will earn points that can be used to save money on your next purchase. This is a great way to save some money if you’re a frequent Safeway shopper. In addition, Safeway frequently offers discounts and promotions on gas, so it’s always worth checking out the weekly flyer to see if you can get a deal.

The Future of Gas Prices in Calgary

It’s difficult to predict what the future holds for gas prices in Calgary. The cost of crude oil is expected to remain high, and the Canadian government has indicated that they plan to continue to implement taxes on fuel. This could mean that prices will continue to rise in the future. However, there are some measures that can be taken to help reduce the cost of gas, such as carpooling and using public transportation.


The cost of gas in Calgary is higher than other cities because of the taxes and the cost of production. Safeway gas is slightly higher than the city’s average, but it comes with the added benefit of a loyalty program and discounts. The future of gas prices in Calgary is uncertain, but it’s important to be mindful of your fuel consumption and take advantage of any discounts or promotions that may be available.


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