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Cooking Oil Prices In Pakistan 2013

Cooking Oil Prices In Pakistan 2013
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In 2013, cooking oil prices in Pakistan were at an all time high. For many people, the prices of cooking oil were too high to make it affordable. The prices of cooking oil have increased every year since 2010, putting a strain on the budget of many households. This article will look at the cooking oil prices in Pakistan in 2013 and the reasons behind the increase in prices.

Factors Affecting Cooking Oil Prices in Pakistan 2013

There are several factors that contributed to the increase in cooking oil prices in Pakistan in 2013. The most prominent of these factors was the devaluation of the Pakistani rupee against the US dollar in 2013. This devaluation made imports of cooking oil from foreign countries more expensive, driving up the cost of cooking oil in Pakistan.

In addition to the devaluation of the Pakistani rupee, other factors that contributed to the increase of cooking oil prices in 2013 were the increased demand for cooking oil, the lack of supply of cooking oil, and the high cost of transportation. The increased demand for cooking oil was due to the growing population in Pakistan and the increased consumption of cooking oil by the population. The lack of supply of cooking oil was caused by the insufficient production and storage of cooking oil in Pakistan. The high cost of transportation was due to the rising fuel costs and the government’s policy of subsidizing the transportation of cooking oil.

Impact of Cooking Oil Prices in Pakistan 2013

The high prices of cooking oil in Pakistan in 2013 had a severe impact on the citizens of the country. The high prices of cooking oil meant that many households could not afford to buy cooking oil and had to resort to other cooking methods, such as burning wood or charcoal. This had an adverse effect on the health of the citizens, as burning wood or charcoal can cause air pollution. In addition, the high prices of cooking oil had an impact on the economy of Pakistan, as the high prices of cooking oil meant that more money was spent on imports, which put a strain on the country’s foreign reserves.

Government Intervention in the Cooking Oil Market in Pakistan 2013

In 2013, the government of Pakistan took steps to address the issue of high cooking oil prices in the country. The government introduced subsidies and tax exemptions on the import of cooking oil, which helped to reduce the cost of cooking oil. The government also increased the production of cooking oil in the country, which helped to increase the supply of cooking oil in the country.

Future of Cooking Oil Prices in Pakistan

The future of cooking oil prices in Pakistan is uncertain. The government of Pakistan is taking steps to address the issue of high cooking oil prices in the country, but the prices may still remain high in the near future. The prices of cooking oil are likely to remain high until the Pakistani rupee regains its strength against the US dollar. In the meantime, it is up to the citizens of Pakistan to use their money wisely by buying cooking oil in bulk and using it sparingly.


The cooking oil prices in Pakistan in 2013 were at an all-time high, due to several factors such as devaluation of the Pakistani rupee and the increased demand for cooking oil. The high prices of cooking oil had a severe impact on the citizens of the country, as many households could not afford to buy cooking oil. The government of Pakistan took steps to address the issue, by introducing subsidies and tax exemptions on the import of cooking oil, and by increasing the production of cooking oil in the country. Despite the government’s efforts, the prices of cooking oil in Pakistan are likely to remain high in the near future.


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